I went to Wilmington last week end with wingman Ryan "Lunchbox" Ford and Diego "@whitepeople_problems" Troya. Quite the crew when it comes to throwing back some Pabst and spending some time at the bar, which did occur, thankfully. The primary reason for our visit was the Shred Crust/Crater's backyard pool's Grand Opening, and Grand it was. Some of the coolest people I've met were there, got the chance to meet some more awesome people, witnessed some heavy and loud grinding, and came back with some rad memories. So here you go, some pictures of that trip.
Lunchbox's car wasn't hotbox-able due to the lack of a window, that also made the ride there frigid.
Shred Crust at home. Raddest dude.
Hand on the coping, what else should you ask for?
Zach was so stoked on the shirt that wanted to trade one of his shirts for it. He gave me his Shred Crust shirt, which I'm more that stoked about, and I gave him my own shirt, nice and broken in, right off my back. Zach you rule. Smith over the deathbox.
Frank was there. Smith over the stairs.
Frontside slasher
Dirty Fences, look them up. This dude kills a bowl and the drums. Frontside air.
Science fair was killing it. Backside air way out.
Rock and rollers, done properly.
And the other way as well.
Dave Maxwell, BS Boneless.